Swear Down
My fourth book for Blank Slate sees me follow the line of longitude out of my front door in Manchester, England, which cuts through Brittany, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso and Ghana. In Swear Down I get as far as Stoke, 30 miles away.
"At times painfully honest, always deeply felt and human, it’s another step along the path to becoming one of comics’ true originals."
Blank Slate Books
130 pages, 236 x 178mm, hardcover, colour
Images from the book can be seen here
“Oliver East’s perambulating comics are thoroughly unique and Swear Down is his best yet”
– John Porcellino, creator of King-Cat Comics and Stories
“Technically inventive with formal sleights of hand, this is a rare type of comic book that reads like a poem. Swear Down is like a train trip through one’s memory to the station of the heart.”
– Frank Santoro, creator of Storeyville and Cold Heat